, the nobody reads it blog.
Race in America 2013
I am a privileged white man, so I am supposed to tread carefully here, but I am willing to blunder over many topics, so here goes. When I was a kid, during the era of civil rights protests, people were beaten, humiliated, terrorized, tortured, and killed for working for equality for blacks, or just being […]
Guns are Like Racism, or Porn
Outlawing guns is going to be difficult, we are awash with them. And a lot of fellow countrymen are clinging to them and will not be interested in having them taken away. We need to change our attitudes. We haven’t outlawed racism, but we did make it no longer respectable in polite company. It is […]
The Southern Strategy and How the Democrats will Rescue the GOP
I read a story about how it was the gay vote that pushed Obama over the top. No, other stories say it was single white women. No, it was blacks. No, it was Latinos. No, it was east Asians. No, it as unions. No, it was all of the above. Had Romney shaved off just […]
Intentionally "Pulling a Biden", Mark II, "True Crime"-Edition
Today the Des Moines Register lamented that they had a great phone interview with Obama (seeking their endorsement), that he was lucid and frank and enlightening (I forget the details, I am vamping, but you get the general idea), but that it was off-the-record. They wrote a blog posting about it, moping over the great […]
As the protests spiral out of control across the world, who's responsible for the lost lives? Filmmakers or those who spread misinformation?
My title is a tweet posted by @Ssirgany. But I don’t think the answer fits in a tweet, so I have moved here. Deaths are usually the responsibility of those who kill. There are cases of self-defense, probably a “just war”, and certainly a few other exceptions, but mostly killing is wrong and those who […]
Romney's Not Stupid
Chattering classes are saying that Romney criticizing of our embassy–criticism released while the embassy in Cairo was under attack–these folks are saying that this was stupid. Oh, how limited the critic’s vision. It was wrong for Romney to make such criticism, but was is not stupid. Not stupid, that is, if his only goal is […]
Finally, my Picturephone, so cool! And ho-hum.
I am a child of the future. When I was young the future was going to be great! In fact every few years they held World’s Fairs to tell us about the future (and show us quaint glimpses of distant peoples and big corporations). One of the perennial staples of this future was the Picturephone. […]
Google's Project Glass: Dies at the Hands of a Smart Watch?
As I am trying to understand Google’s Project Glass, yesterday I did something disturbing. As I was leaving work, wondering what temperature I would find as I left the building, I started to look at my watch. Uh, oh: A “smart watch” might take important wind out of the sails of Project Glass’s acceptance. Usually […]
Understanding Google Glass
Excited by Google Glass, I have been looking for some good analysis on the internet on what it means. Lots of people are willing to say “The possibilities are endless!”, but I am looking for more subtlety than that. I guess I have to write my own analysis. This is a start at that effort. […]