The '00s Are Over!

Culturally the ’60s didn’t begin until about 1963 and lasted until about 1973. A powerful decade even with sloppy dates.

The ’00s have more precise dates: September 11th 2001 to May 2nd 2011.

Not everything in that decade is so tidy. Obama’s Cairo speech on June 4th, 2009, was a preview of the ’10s just as Bush v. Gore, on December 12th, 2000, was a preview of the ’00s. And there will be other exceptions, but these are pretty good dates. Too bad it was such a sorry decade.

What an embarrassment to have to admit it was Osama bin Laden’s decade. He got us to embrace fear, be proud of torture, invade on lies, govern by truthiness, and nearly ruin the global economy.

Count me as one who is happy to see that decade behind us.

-kb, the Kent who thinks it is a good sign we don’t have a current security alert as a CYA “just in case” measure.

©2011 Kent Borg





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