Category: Politics

  • Romney's Not Stupid

    Chattering classes are saying that Romney criticizing of our embassy–criticism released while the embassy in Cairo was under attack–these folks are saying that this was stupid.  Oh, how limited the critic’s vision. It was wrong for Romney to make such criticism, but was is not stupid.  Not stupid, that is, if his only goal is […]

  • FOX4 Mobile: Man misfires gun in Walmart checkout line Reaching for his wallet, wounds four. More guns. For safety.

  • Why the Obesity Epidemic? My 3-Part EXPRESS Explanation

    Many have been puzzled over this.  Well, it is becoming clear.  Here is my express explanation, in three easy steps. These three things came together: A guy at the University of Minnesota (the inventor of the K-Ration) made a persuasive–but incorrect!–argument: the cholesterol clogging our arteries is caused by eating cholesterol.  Seems reasonable.  Instead of […]

  • Nothing Wrong with Being Colored

    There is nothing wrong with being colored. I don’t think so at least, it was a polite term, but I guess I am wrong, because we had to change the name. There is nothing wrong with bring Negro. Martin Luther King was a Negro. But what do I know? We had to change the name. […]

  • Hollywood has the term "magic negro", but how much magic do we expect from this mortal man Obama?

    I heard on news this morning about reactionaries doing well in Greece, and I remember to note the general swing to the right in Europe: this is valuable perspective. Obama has been very disappointing to those on the left, but remember the environment he is in. Who in the world has resisted swinging way right […]

  • Healthful Diet: A Too-Simple Summary

    Everyone else pontificates on what we should eat, why can’t I? Two big points, A and B. A.  Only eat food that is made of … food! This means don’t eat junk food. This also means don’t eat most convenience foods.  If you look in the freezer case at the grocery store there will be […]

  • Bitching about the Obama economy is like telling Captain Sully: "The Hudson was the wrong destination! And why am I all wet!?"

    Our economy nearly died, and you are griping about it being too sluggish? We almost had to rename the Great Depression! World War One got renamed.  It started out as The Great War, the “war to end all wars”.  But a few years later we had an even bigger war, and we had to rename […]

  • To Release or Not Release bin Laden Photos: A Most Productive Argument

    Nice to have a few things go right. Sure, the initial reports of the raid on bin Laden’s hideout were a bit confused and got corrected, and will get further corrections, but, if I may parrot others in this cliché, that’s why they call it the “fog of war”.  Even when things go stunningly right, […]

  • The '00s Are Over!

    Culturally the ’60s didn’t begin until about 1963 and lasted until about 1973. A powerful decade even with sloppy dates. The ’00s have more precise dates: September 11th 2001 to May 2nd 2011. Not everything in that decade is so tidy. Obama’s Cairo speech on June 4th, 2009, was a preview of the ’10s just […]

  • Obama Not Entirely Honest about Birth Certificate — and Will be Reelected

    Let me tell you the truth about this: the White House is not being entirely honest here.