Category: Politics

  • Should Hunter Biden Go to Jail?

    Children of presidents should be held to a higher standard than the rest of us.

  • I Killed a Russian Troll

    I called him on it, that is not how a Bostonian talks.

  • Why Do They Deny?

    Why are the people who strenuously argue Hitler’s death camps never existed, also seem to argue they should have existed?

  • Why Trump Grovels so to Putin, I Figured it Out, Now That it is Obvious

    I have wondered what Putin has on Trump to get such deference. For a very long time I was deeply puzzled. Until a week or so ago when I realized that John Brennen nailed it a year ago May!     “Frequently, people who go along a treasonous path do      not know they are […]

  • Snowden, the Movie

    I went to one of the first Boston matinees of the movie Snowden today. It was all very familiar territory: it could have been boring or–as with any subject I know a lot about–it could have been excruciating in its errors. It was neither. It held my attention, it did not disappoint. But was it […]

  • Why We Got Ourselves a Trump: 4 Crazy Tricks

    Four things came together to give us Donald J. Trump as the all-but-official GOP nominee. First, the so-called cable news channels in the US are, indeed, for-profit businesses, looking for ratings, looking for an edge. Thump was ratings gold for them. He got enormous free publicity in exchange for supplying viewers. He did a very […]

  • Will Donald Trump Split the Republican Party?

    Splitting the GOP: Refused A few years ago, when the GOP first lurched right and so seemed to be dismissing any reasonable chance of winning the presidency, I figured they needed to split in two, they needed to kick out the crazies. But they didn’t, instead they all adopted this crazy attitude, and I forgot […]

  • Benefits of The Donald

    I missed the first Democratic debate of the 2016 election. I wanted to see it and being stuck on an airplane, with CNN, while it was on, seemed a fine coincidence. Except my Virgin America flight from LA to Boston was missing a quarter of the channels it was supposed to have, including CNN. And […]

  • How Political "Red Meat" Works (and Isn't Necessarily Bad)

    What do we call left-wing “red meat”?

  • Net Neutrality: An Objective Definition (with Technical Gotchas)

    I saw someone on Twitter looking for a definition of net neutrality that was objective, and doubting it was possible. Here is my attempt, and I am going to maybe cheat a little by trying to give two perspectives. Disclaimer: I am for net neutrality. The Case For Everything seems to run over the internet […]