Category: Uncategorized

  • Cleveland Dungeon: What Punishment?

    Assuming he proves to be guilty, what should happen to Ariel Castro? There are reports that at one point he considered suicide. Ironic. Maybe he felt trapped by his crime and was looking for a way out. But he didn’t have the guts. He doesn’t deserve the death penalty, it would be doing him the […]

  • Guns: But WHO Loves Them?

    There is nothing more red-blooded-American than being a gun nut, right?  Patriotic, tyrant opposing, freedom loving, fundamentalist, God fearing, American! That’s the PR. Okay, what if brown-skinned men with heavy beards joined in? Show up at rallies. Testify before lawmakers, with thick accents even. Fundamentalists, Muslims fundamentalists! What would that do to gun PR? Hmmm, […]

  • As the protests spiral out of control across the world, who's responsible for the lost lives? Filmmakers or those who spread misinformation?

    My title is a tweet posted by @Ssirgany. But I don’t think the answer fits in a tweet, so I have moved here. Deaths are usually the responsibility of those who kill. There are cases of self-defense, probably a “just war”, and certainly a few other exceptions, but mostly killing is wrong and those who […]

  • Nexus Gripes: Very Few

    I have a new Galaxy Nexus phone and a new Nexus 7 tablet. The Nexus name is for Android devices that have Google’s version of Android software, without and other add-ons by manufacturers or phone companies. In the case of these two devices, they did a good job, I recommend them. My gripes are minor: […]

  • Marriage a Civil Right? No, not for opposite-sex couples either.

    Is same-sex marriage a civil right?  No.  But I don’t think different-sex marriage is a civil right, either.  It is a practical matter. The institution of marriage is a human invention.  It started out as a property deal, for people with property.  Poor people need not apply, though eventually the idea spread and “common law […]

  • I Felt Like I Kicked a Dog

    I went to see The Ides of March.  I am visiting Los Angeles, we went to the Laemmle Playhouse 7 in Pasadena.  I listen to KCRW on the internet, I hear references to Laemmle theaters, they sound great. Or, maybe that is an unfortunate way to put it.  The sound was a problem. There was […]

  • Write Down Your Passwords

    Recently someone pointed out that an Ubuntu mailing list will e-mail a forgotten password back to you.  And that this is wrong.  Well, I agree, but… I am never bothered when a mailing list sends me a plaintext password. But I do something Extremely Radical: I don’t reuse passwords. If a mailing list password of […]